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Top 10 Mobile Games

 Mobile gaming has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment industry today. This is mainly because of the ever-changing approach to the gaming experience. With the development of smartphones, users can now play games on the go, whenever they please. Games are entertaining and addicting. They also have the power to help with some of life's toughest challenges. This blog will list and review some of the top mobile games that you can put into your pocket and bring on the go. Games are great sources of distraction and escapism, but they can also help us to make sense of the world around us. 

Check out this blog to see what games are right for you.

A lot of the top mobile games are able to make success because of their high quality. This blog will review the top 10 mobile games that are trending the most.

1) The Room Series

      Cost: $0.99 to $4.99 each


There are four puzzle games in the The Room series. It was the first series to fully nail the puzzle genre on mobile. The Room series' most recent title is just as popular as its predecessors, which are still among the finest Android games. The Room is a collection of puzzle escape games. There are several enigmatic artefacts in each room. Your objective is to escape by resolving the puzzles. To win the game, players must advance from room to room in search of increasingly rare artefacts and puzzle solutions.

The most recent one, The Room: Old Sins, has a tiny exploration component, Google Play Games achievements, and cloud saving capabilities. That distinguishes it from the prior three games' focus on pure puzzle gameplay. None of these choices will let you down. They are all excellent. If you want to see more, there are several more respectable escape games here, but The Room is unquestionably the greatest one.

2) Stardew Valley

      Cost: $7.99

One of the top games overall and one of the best premium games of 2019 is without a doubt Stardew Valley. It's a farming sim with a few RPG features. You must restore the neglected farm to its previous splendour from scratch. Players can engage with the diverse residents of the towns, catch fish, and develop crops and livestock. You could even settle down and start a family.

The game contains a tonne of substance and is kept simple by the retro aesthetics. The majority of in-game interactions are also cute and enjoyable, and the controls are straightforward. Despite not being completely accurate, it's the best farming simulation on mobile. Additionally, if you sign up for Google Play Pass, it is free.Although Stardew Valley is the best in its category, you may find additional excellent farming simulators below.

3) Monument Valley 1 and 2

      Cost: $3.99 + $1.99 / $4.99

When Monument Valley 2 was released, it was included once more to the list. Both games are still top-notch. Of reality, the aesthetics and gameplay in both games are remarkably similar. Escher-style puzzles are encountered along the way, including levels that can be moved to let the player use illusions to finish the course. The Monument Valley brand continues to rank among the best mobile games ever, and the premise is incredibly endearing.

The first one costs $3.99 and includes the Forgotten Shores DLC as an optional $1.99 in-app purchase. Currently, the second game costs $4.99. If you have a Google Play Pass subscription, you can access both games. If you want more choices, check out these other fantastic puzzle games.

4) Sky:Children of Light

      Cost: Free to Play

The first one costs $3.99 and includes the Forgotten Shores DLC as an optional $1.99 in-app purchase. Currently, the second game costs $4.99. If you have a Google Play Pass subscription, you can access both games. If you want more choices, check out these other fantastic puzzle games.

The 2020 video game Sky: Children of Light is a fantastic journey. You can customise your avatar to look anyway you want, explore seven different worlds in the game, and enjoy one of the most original social gaming experiences ever. Without using voice or text chat, you can communicate with other players in-game (although text chats are available). Players will grab your hand and drag you along to capture your attention and take you where you need to go. It is absurdly lovely. There are many excellent adventure games in this collection, but Sky: Child of Light is really unique.

5) Pokemon GO

      Cost: Free to Play

In July 2016, Pokemon GO erupted onto the mobile gaming landscape and quickly rose to the top of all Android apps. Similar to Ingress, this augmented reality game lets you roam around the real world while catching Pokemon, doing mini-missions, competing against other trainers for gyms, and visiting Pokestops to reload on supplies. As the most played mobile game in the world, it nearly broke all previous records. The game has maintained an active player population for the past few years and even looks to be growing in popularity, contrary to what many people believe.

Thank goodness, new features are frequently added to the game. New Pokemon, an AR camera mode, and a tonne of other cool features are some of the most recent additions. Another Harry Potter augmented reality game by Niantic, with same gameplay principles, is called Wizards Unite. The two games are the best augmented reality ones available for mobile devices.

6) Levelhead

       Cost: $6.99

The same company that created Crashlands, Butterscotch Shenanigans, has released a new platformer called Levelhead. We anticipate Levelhead to stay on this list for a while, just like Crashlands was for a good two or three years. There are 90 levels in this platformer, which has controls that are surprisingly good, and it has some great humour. However, this one stands out from the competition thanks to its very top-notch custom-level construction. Levels created by players can be uploaded to the game. The most well-liked ones wind up in the famous vault of the game after being downloaded by other players.

Additionally, the game includes speedrunning elements and level-specific leaderboards (even the custom ones).Finally, the game has cloud saves and is cross-platform. It fulfils every need for a mobile platformer. This game is really that excellent. If you utilise Google Play Pass, it's also cost-free. Although this is undoubtedly the finest in its category, you should also check out these other excellent platformers.


    Cost: $6.99 plus any in-app purchases

The game Minecraft is well-liked by players of all ages throughout the world. If you've never played, Minecraft immerses you in a vast world where you may create things, fight off enemies, mine things, and pretty much do whatever you want. There is a survival mode where you must gather your own food and resources, as well as a creative mode where you have full access to everything. Numerous new options and information have been added thanks to frequent upgrades.

The game pretty much stands shoulder to shoulder with its PC and console counterparts. Actually, you can engage in multiplayer gaming with users of those platforms. There are in-app purchases, but they are only for things like skin packs that allow for personalization.It's one of the best survival games on Android in addition to being the best sandbox game.

8) Legends of Runeterra

     Cost: Free to play

One of the most recent Android games on this list is Legends of Runeterra. It's an online combat game with a similar focus to Hearthstone. Players assemble decks of cards and heroes that they have collected. then engage in online combat with them. In general, the gameplay is enjoyable since the game attempts to minimise randomness. There are 24 champions in the game, several playing cards, and you can invite friends to combat with you. Hearthstone dominated this ranking for a while, but now it's time for a new leader. Here are some more fantastic card duelling games.

9) Fantasian (iOS via Apple Arcade)

  Cost: Free to Play

Since the launch of Apple's subscription-based gaming service in 2019, a number of weird and wonderful games have made their way onto the service. Still, there's one Apple Arcade title that really turned hardcore gaming heads - Fantasian.

Made exclusively for mobile, this stunning looking JRPG is a completely original creation by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi himself. This is the first ever mobile exclusive JRPG classic set in a beautiful world full of interesting characters and an epic story.

10) Threes! (Android and iOS)

    Cost: Free to Play

Sometimes simplicity is genius, and in the case of the triple! never has that statement seemed more accurate. Incredibly easy to pick up and play, this number-based puzzle game sees players swipe in four directions to match different numbers.

A match-three game, its pleasing visuals and accessibility make it one of the ultimate pick-up-and-play experiences. Whether you want to kill a few minutes or obsessively beat that high score, Three! smart puzzle fits smartphones like a glove.

We hope you enjoyed our blog. If you are looking for some new mobile games, you can try out our article to see if you find anything you like. We have provided a top 10 list that includes the top mobile games according to the gaming industry and our own tastes. Please feel free to let us know what you think about the list. Have a good day!

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